This website seems to be unable to display the symbol you mean.
If you know how to produce it using alt characters, then ask the question with ALT+XXXX.
You can look up the alt characters by running Character Map (Start-> Run then type "charmap". Press ok. Look for your symbol in the list, select it, and the alt character is shown in the bottom panel of the window).
If you mean the symbol &, it is called an ampersand.
its called a lemniscate
It's called the Ampersand. See the related link for more information.
The symbol that looks like a star is called an asterisk. It looks like this *.
It's called a hyphen !
a symbol
the symbol is called the sky The crescent moon.
That symbol is called the radical.
It is called a chemical symbol.
The "and" symbol is called an ampersand.
The a in circle symbol is the symbol for the word At. Example: soanso@(at)
The '&' symbol is called ampersand.
The "&" symbol is called an ampersand.
If you mean the symbol &, it is called an ampersand.
It is called an Ampersand.
The symbol for Jashin is called the "Jashin symbol" or "Jashin's symbol."
The diamond is the process symbol in flowcharts.