If working in fractions, then you must make the fractions have the same denominator (the number on the bottom). To decide what the denominator should be you find what number does 8 and 7 go evenly into (8 x 7=56). Therefore 56 is the new denominator, now you must make the fractions in the question equal the same amount with a denominator of 56. WHAT EVER YOU DO TO THE DENOMINATOR YOU MUST DO TO THE NUMERATOR (TOP NUMBER) TO KEEP THE FRACTION THE SAME VALUE. Then 3/8 = 3x7/8x7 = 21/56, and 1/7 = 1x8/7x8 = 8/56. Now thee question becomes 21/56 - 8/56 = 13/56
Three eighths minus one fourth is one eighth.
Three fourths is six eighths. Six eighths minus one eighth is five eighths.
Four minus two and three-eighths equals one and five-eighths.
three eights
three eighths
Three eighths minus one fourth is one eighth.
Three fourths is six eighths. Six eighths minus one eighth is five eighths.
Four minus two and three-eighths equals one and five-eighths.
three eighths
three eights
Two and five eighths
three eighths
It is one negative half.
5/8 or five-eighths
One eighth
Six eighths, or three fourths.