3/8 of 16 = 6. You can find this out by dividing 16 by 8, your bottom number, or denominator. When you get 2, you multiply 2 by 3, your top number, or numerator.
If you are older than 5th grade, ask your parents for help with this, if you do not understand.
16/28 = sixteen twenty-eighths = 4/7
(3+1/8) divided by (16+2/3) = 3/16
2/8 of 16 is 4.
Converting all to eights, it gives three eights minus six eights, so the answer is minus three eights.
A fourth of sixteen and two eights is 65.
16/28 = sixteen twenty-eighths = 4/7
Sixteen eights equal two thirds
14 pounds.
i d know
if 4 and eight eights is subtracted by 3 and three eights, then you get 1 and five eights
(3+1/8) divided by (16+2/3) = 3/16
.600, or Five Eights.
2/8 of 16 is 4.
Converting all to eights, it gives three eights minus six eights, so the answer is minus three eights.
Three Eights