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Q: What is three fourths majority explained for just one process in the constitution?
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What process requires a three-fourths majority vote in politics?

3/4 of all states' approval needed to ammend the constitution

What are the three fourths majority for just one process?


What process does the constitution requires three fourths majority?

I believe it is the process of changing something that has already been previously established. The founders concluded that if something has already been considered, voted on and passed by the body, then it should be a little harder to undo it; otherwise matters settled by narrow margins could conceivably shift along with small changes to the roll of legislators, or with some otherwise minor development seized upon by an overzealous minority. An example is the process of amending the Constitution. Three fourths of the states must approve an amendment before it becomes law. No other legislative vote is needed, and no veto from any branch of government can stop it. But getting three fourths of the states to agree to something is not easy.

How can changes be made to the Constitution?

First of all, a two thirds majority of each house of Congress must propose the amendment. Then, a three fourths majority of the states must ratify the amendment.

What is the constitutional amendment process?

The US Constitution is amended by first being proposed by at least a two-thirds majority vote in both the Senate and the House of Representative. The Constitution can also be amended by a constitutional convention called by state legislatures.

According to artical 5 what does it mean?

Article Five of the United States Constitution describes the process by which the Constitution may be altered. Amendments may be proposed by the United States Congress or by a national convention assembled at the request of the legislatures of at least two-thirds of the states. Amendments must then be ratified either by approval of the legislatures of three-fourths of the states or ratifying conventions held in three-fourths of the states.

Why does the formal amendment process reflect federalism?

The formal amendment process, to the Constitution, requires a supermajority vote in the Senate, and consent (agreement) by three fourths of the states. This process involves most of the U.S., and is, therefore, a federal process. No state, acting alone can change or amend the Constitution (and, therefore, 'states rights' do not apply here).

Explain how the constitution could be changed?

The Constitution can be changed through the process of amendment. An amendment can be proposed either by two-thirds of both houses of Congress or by a national convention called by Congress when requested by two-thirds of the state legislatures. For an amendment to be ratified and become part of the Constitution, it requires approval by three-fourths of the state legislatures or conventions in three-fourths of the states. This process ensures that any changes to the Constitution are carefully considered and have broad support across the country.

Amendment process involving written change to the constitution?

The Amendment process is the formal way to change the Constitution. An amendment may be proposed by two-thirds vote of both houses of Congress or by a convention called by Congress at the request of two-thirds of the state legislatures. Ratification of an amendment takes three-fourths of the states to approve.

Is the constitution has never been amended?

No, not ever. Many say that the Constitution is a "living, breathing" document, but it is not. On the other hand, there is a process through which a certain majority of States can ratify (approve) an addition to the Amendments to the Constitution.

What is article 5 of constitution?

Article V of the Constitution explains the amendment process of the Constitution, that is, how the Constitution may be amended. There are two processes for proposing amendments, either by two-thirds vote in each house of Congress or by an Article V Convention. All amendments thus far to the Constitution have been by proposal of Congress. The reason a convention to propose amendments, or Article V Convention has never been called despite the 750 applications from all 50 states, is because Congress refuses to obey the Constitution and call the convention. The Constitution mandates that if two-thirds of the state legislatures (34) apply for a convention, Congress must call it. A convention can only propose amendments to the present Constitution and is not empowered to write or propose a new or replacement Constitution. Regardless of how an amendment is proposed it must be ratified in the states either by three fourths vote in the state legislatures or by three fourths vote in state ratifying conventions. The method of ratification is by choice of Congress but Congress has no power to withhold a proposed amendment or veto it once it has been ratified. Once an amendment is ratified, it becomes part of our present Constitution.

Which process can be explained by the kinetic theory?

Diffusion can be explained by the kinetic-molecular theory.