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The top number in a fraction is the numerator (the number of parts of the whole that you have). The bottom number is the denominator (the number of parts that it takes to make the whole). In order to add fractions, you must first find the lowest "common" denominator, then convert both fractions by multiplying the numerator (top number) by the same number of times you had to multiply the denominator (bottom number) in order to reach the common denominator.

In the fractions ¾ and 5/6, the 4 and the 6 are the denominators. If you multiply 6 x 2 the answer is 12. If you multiply 4 x 3 the answer is 12. Therefore, 12 is the lowest common denominator.

Since you multiplied the denominator 6 x 2, you must multiply the numerator 5 x 2 so that your new fraction is 10/12 which is equal to 5/6.

Since you multiplied the denominator 4 x 3 to get 12, you must multiply the numerator 3 x 3 to make the new fraction of 9/12 which is equal to ¾.

3 / 4 + 5 / 6 = ?

Convert to

9/12 + 10 / 12 = 19/12

Since the numerator (19) of your answer 19/12 is larger than the denominator (12), this means that the fraction is greater than a whole number, and you must convert it to a "mixed number" consisting of a whole number and a fraction . If you divide the denominator into the numerator, you get the number 1 (12 goes into 19 one time) with 7 left over.

Therefore, your answer is 1 7/12 (one and seven twelve's)

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