Three and three fourths plus three is six and three fourths.
What is one half plus three fourths?One half plus three fourths is, 1 and 1/4.
First we need to convert them into like terms. Three fifths is twelve twentieths. Three fourths is fifteen twentieths. Together that is twenty-seven twentieths. That is one and seven twentieths or 1.35 in decimal.
three fourths
twelve and four twelfths
Three and three fourths plus three is six and three fourths.
There are 16 3/4s. There are 16 ...three fourths
1.75 + 1.75 = 3.5 One and three fourths plus one and three fourths is three and a half.
What is one half plus three fourths?One half plus three fourths is, 1 and 1/4.
13 and three fourths
three fourths of sixteen is twelve.3/4 of 16 is 12
First we need to convert them into like terms. Three fifths is twelve twentieths. Three fourths is fifteen twentieths. Together that is twenty-seven twentieths. That is one and seven twentieths or 1.35 in decimal.