You can find 1% of any number by simply moving the decimal point two places to the left.
Therefore, 1% of $11.00 is .11. So 3% would be .11 x 3 or .33.
So, 3% of $11.00 is $0.33.
30 percent of three thousand dollars is 900 dollars.
three dollars twenty cents
33 cents.
Errrr - Five thousand three hundred dollars !
130 dollars.
30 percent of three thousand dollars is 900 dollars.
11 dollars. 20% = 1/5 1/5 of 55 dollars = 11 dollars
$30000 * 11/100 = $3300
three dollars twenty cents
600 dollars.
Ten percent of thirty is three.
33 cents.
i think its 12,250 dollars
Errrr - Five thousand three hundred dollars !
130 dollars.