A percentage is expressed as a decimal. 100% would be expressed as 1.0
3% (3/100) would be expressed as 0.03
3% of 10,000 = 0.03 x 10,000 = 300
Errrr - Five thousand three hundred dollars !
130 dollars.
90 percent of ten-thousand dollars is nine-thousand dollars.
14,000 dollars
Errrr - Five thousand three hundred dollars !
130 dollars.
Ten percent of 130 thousand dollars is 13 thousand dollars.
90 percent of ten-thousand dollars is nine-thousand dollars.
Ten percent means its one tenth of 3130 which is 313 dollars.
$ 1,000
1 percent of 10.000 dollars is 100 dollars.
10 percent of 20 thousand dollars is two thousand dollars. 10 percent is the same as ten hundredths. Ten hundredths is the same as one tenth. One tenth of twenty is two.
fifteen thousand dollars
Ten percent of 1.35 million dollars is 135 thousand dollars.
The answer is Two hundred and ten thousand dollars.