3/4 of 80 = 60.
To calculate: 80 divided by 4 = 20. Multiply 20 by 3 to get the final answer of 60.
Eighty quarter-dollars.
No, three quarters is more than two quarters.
380,000 = three hundred and eighty thousand
Point eighty-three/Eighty-three hundredths.
= 80 x (3/4) x (2/3) = 40
Eighty quarter-dollars.
20 dollars...
That is 80 divided by 4, or $20.00.
No, three quarters is more than two quarters.
Assuming that three eighty refers to three hundred eighty, there are 23 sixteens, and a remainder.
The number is eighty three (when used as an adjective, hyphenate as eighty-three).
Three fourths is three quarters One half is two quarters. Three quarters is greater than two quarters.
380,000 = three hundred and eighty thousand
There are three quarters in three quarters.
Oh, dude, you're hitting me with some math here! So, like, if you wanna find the decimal part of sixty out of eighty, you just divide 60 by 80, which gives you 0.75. So, like, the decimal part of sixty out of eighty is 0.75. Math can be fun, right?