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3/4 + 1/4 = 4/4 = 1

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Q: What is three quarters plus one quarter?
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What is three and one half plus one and three fourths?

14 quarters plus 7 quarters = 21 quarters= 5 and a quarter (1 quarter is 1 fourth)

What is one quarter of one cup and one quarter?

One cup plus another three quarters of a cup.

What does two and three quarters plus one quarter equal?


Adding half to a quarter equals?

One-quarter plus one-half equals three-quarters.

What is three quarters plus a half?

Answer is 1. Because 3/4 + 1/4 will be 1..:)

How many quarters do you have if you add one half and one quarter together?

three quarters. one half (two quarters) and one quarter = three quarters.

What number is halfway between 1 and a quarter and 1 in three quarters?

Halfway between one and a quarter and one and three quarters lies one and a half.

What does two-fourths plus two-eigths equal?

two fourths equals one half two eighths equals one quarter one half plus one quarter is three quarters. Or, two fourths equals four eighths four eighths plus two eighths equals six eighths six eighths equals three quarters.

How much is One quarter plus three quarters?

One whole... 1/4 + 3/4 = 4/4 = 1

How much is 1 million quarters?

1 quarter = one quarter of a dollar . . 3 quarters = three quarters of a dollar . . 1 million quarters = a quarter of a million dollars.

What is three quarters of GDP loss?

It is simply three quarters of negative GDP. It could be a recession plus one quarter. Three quarter of negative GDP growth alone is NOT a depression. A depression really has no official definition, but if it did, it would be longer than three quarters. 4 quarters of GDP loss refers to a Depression. 3 quarters can refer to a country that is on the verge of a depression

What is one and three-quarters added to three and a quarter?