three to the power of six is larger than six to the power of three because three to the power of six is seven-hundred-twenty-nine and 6 to the power of three is two-hundred-sixteen.
Three times three times three times three times three times three equals seven hundred twenty-nine.
three minus seven is four
three to the power of six is larger than six to the power of three because three to the power of six is seven-hundred-twenty-nine and 6 to the power of three is two-hundred-sixteen.
Three times three times three times three times three times three equals seven hundred twenty-nine.
Three to the third power equals three times three times three equals twenty-seven. 3^3 = 3 x 3 x 3 = 27
separation and distribution of power in the three branches of the fed gov't
In words, 3,000,007 is three million and seven
three minus seven is four
823,543 seven to the seventh power is 823543823,543.
72 is "seven to the second power" or "seven to the power two" or "seven squared", and when it is calculated it is "forty nine".
Three more than seven million is seven million three. 7,000,000 + 3 = 7,000,003