If they share a part or whole of a side and provided they do not overlap, then depending on the shape of the triangles, the result can be a triangle, quadrilateral or a concave pentagon.
Otherwise you can get other shapes such as a 6-pointed star.
A triangle that has 2 equal sides is an isosceles triangle
It is 4/9 of the small triangle plus the size of the small triangle
Turn the 7 to form an angle with the other 7. It shapes a triangle.
If it is an equilateral triangle then it will have 3 equal angles If it is an isosceles triangle then it will have 2 equal angles plus another different size angle
No a hexagon has six sides and if u add 2 squares it would have 8 sides witch would turn into a octagon and a triangle plus triangle plus triangleould be a nonagon not a hexagonand if u add it all together it would just be a polygon
It is a symbolic equation which requires triangle = 21.
Write a function that print a triangle of stars.
a right triangle
A triangle.
Nevermind, I did it.
A triangle that has 2 equal sides is an isosceles triangle
Perimeter of a triangle = (length of the first side) plus (length of the second side) plus (length of the third side)
It is 4/9 of the small triangle plus the size of the small triangle
A tetrahedron, a triangle based pyramid, an octahedron, an icosahedron plus many more.