12.15 Also said as 'Twelve point one five'.
fifteen hundredths in decimals = 0.015
Expressed as a percentage, 15/100, or fifteen hundredths, is equal to 15%
The correct answer is fifteen and eighty-seven hundredths.
Fifteen and fifteen hundredths.
To write twelve and fifteen hundredths as a decimal, you simply write the whole number part (12) followed by a decimal point and then the fractional part (15 hundredths). Therefore, twelve and fifteen hundredths is written as 12.15 in decimal notation.
12.15 Also said as 'Twelve point one five'.
fifteen hundredths in decimals = 0.015
Fifteen hundredths can be shown as 15/100 or 3/20 or 15% or 0.15.
Fifteen-hundredths as a numeral is 0.15
Six and twelve hundredths
Fifteen and forty-five hundredths
Expressed as a percentage, 15/100, or fifteen hundredths, is equal to 15%
The correct answer is fifteen and eighty-seven hundredths.
Fifteen and fifteen hundredths.
The decimal for seven and twelve hundredths is 7.12