The value of twenty five thousand dinars in America would depend on the country you are referring to. Dinar is the currency of several countries, including Iraq, Kuwait, and Serbia. To determine the exact value, you would need to convert the dinars to the local currency or check the current exchange rate.
It is worth exactly 25,000 dinar. If you wanted to know its value in another currency it would have helped to know which currency but, since you have not bothered to provide that crucial bit of information, I cannot provide a more useful answer.
The Chinese do not issue dollars in any denomination. 1000 Chinese yuan = 146.42400 U.S. dollars.
Twenty dollars...
500526 - the 5 is worth 5x100, the 2 is worth 2x10, the 6 is worth 6x1.
...but only a penny more!
how much is twenty five thousand dinars in us curency
how much is twenty five thousand dinars in us curency
Can u tell me how much 30.000 dinars is worth? It's iraq
22.027 US Dollars.
how much is 25 dinars worth in America
Which One Country Dinar There are many countries who use Dinars.Plz Help Out!
very little - i have a stack of dinars 6 inches high with sadams face on them.
About $0.21 USD.Iraqi Dinars are basically worthless.
1000 dinar worth 250000
well i am the first person and i aculaly asked this question so if anyone knows the answer plz e-mail me at
As of 12th June 2009, 250 Iraqi Dinars = $0.22 (22 cents)