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Negative 225 thousand.

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Q: What is twenty five thousand take away a quarter of a million?
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take away two thousand and twenty from 2222?

Your answer is 202

What is a safe place when a tornado is starting that starts with a T?

Twenty thousand miles away

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What is moon actually?

A globe of rock about 2000 miles across and a quarter million miles away.

How many people have had medals taken away due to steroid use?

three billion, four hundred and twenty-seven million, six hundred fifty-three thousand, nine hundred and twelve point 14 with a bar over it.

How much does Google give away in scholarships?

This giant has given away almost nine million dollars in scholarship money to over two thousand students.

IS the sun a million miles away form earth?

No, the sun is around 93 million miles away from Earth.

What is the galaxy mass of the milky way?

one million 250 thousand light years away...says buzz lightyear

What is one million minus one thousand?

Well, darling, one million minus one thousand is 999,000. Simple math, really. Just take away those three zeros and you're left with a number that's just a tad smaller than a million. Keep those brain cells sharp!

How for moon from earth?

How FAR is the moon from the Earth? About a quarter of a million miles away. ~250,000 miles.

How do satellites and the moon stay at the same height?

They do not. Artificial satellites are mostly close to the Earth, while the Moon is a quarter-million miles away.