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Q: What is twice the difference of a number mean in math?
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What does the term twice a number mean in math?

Twice a number means to multiply the number by 2

What does difference of a number mean on math?

the answer to a subtraction question is the difference.

What are doubles in math?

Doubles in math mean the same number twice also used when playing Monopoly.

What does it mean when it says the difference of twice a number?

It does not mean anything at all. "Twice a number" is only one number while "the difference" must refer to two numbers, not just one.

What is the definition of the word twice in math?

Twice in Math would mean the same as it would anywhere elses. It would mean to do something two times.

What is The difference between -11 and twice the number?

If you mean the difference between -11 and 2*(-11), then it's 11.

What does range in math mean?

The range is the difference between the largest and the smallest number of a set.

In math what does compensation mean?

Compensation in math means, adding and subtracting the same number to make the sum or difference easier to find.

What dose double mean in math?

Twice as much

What does the word range mean?

In math the word range means the difference between the largest and smallest number

What is the difference between morality of a substance and twice the morality of the same substance?

The morality of a substance refers to the amount of ethical goodness or virtuous behavior it embodies. Twice the morality of a substance would imply that the substance has double the ethical value or virtuous characteristics compared to its original morality.

What does twice a number mean?

twice a number means a number times 2