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75 cents is 3/8 of two dollars.

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Q: What is two dollars is 75 cent?
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What is 75 per cent of 450 thousand dollars?

75% of $450 is $337.50

How many different way can you make 75 cent without using half dollars or pennies?


How do you write 75 of a cent in decimal form?

75 of a cent = 75 c.

How do you round 11.75 to the nearest cent?

If 11.75 dollars, 11 dollars 75 cents If 11.75 cents, 12 cents If number 11.75, 11.75

What is 75 percent of 3 billion dollars?

75% of $3,000,000,000 would be $2,250,000,000 That's two billion two hundred and fifty million dollars.

What coins were minted in the US in 1865?

1 cent, two cent, three cent (two types), half-dimes, dimes, quarters, half-dollars, dollars ( gold & Silver), $20, $10, $5, and $2.50 gold coins.

How do you write two dollars and forty six cent as a decimal?


How do you write two thousand five hundred dollars in French?

deux mille cinq cent dollars

What is 75 percent in a fraction?

75 per cent = 75/100. Per cent means "out of one hundred".

What is the value of a 1921 US 1 cent coin?

it can be worth 20 cents to 75 dollars depending on grade and mint mark.

How do you write two thousand and six dollars and fifty one cent?


what makes 75 cents in cents?

75/5 = 15 So 15, 5 cent coins make up 75 cents. 75/10 = 7 and then another 5 cent coin So 7, 10 cent coins and one 5 cent coin makes up 75 cents. 75/20 = 3 and then another 10 cent coin and a 5 cent coin So 3, 20 cent coins, one 10 coin and one 5 cent coin. 75/50 = 1 and then another 20 cent coin and a 5 cent coin. So 1, 50 cent coin, one 20 cent coin and one 5 cent coin. There the Answer, By Answerly