Three to the fifth power equals two hundred forty-three.
Not at all. One hundred two would be written 102. It is much larger than 1.2 which is one and a fifth.
7.5 out of a hundred
two five hundred thirtieths
Three to the fifth power equals two hundred forty-three.
The theft of property not exceeding two hundred dollars in value is theft in the fifth degree.
Not at all. One hundred two would be written 102. It is much larger than 1.2 which is one and a fifth.
Divide one million by five to solve: One-fifth of one million is two hundred thousand (200,000).
fifth decimal place = hundred-thousandths
Three thousand nine hundred and eighty eight and one fifth. Or... Three thousand nine hundred and eighty eight point two.
It contains no precious metals -- worth about $2.00
Assuming "fith" is meant to be fifth, the answer is 100.