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Q: What is two inclined planes back to back?
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How does a wedge differ from a inclined plane?

A wedge has two inclined planes back-to-back that are not at a right angle

How is a inclined plane and a wedge different?

A wedge is 2 inclined planes, back to back.

How is a wedge different from and inclined plane?

A wedge is 2 inclined planes, back to back.

How is a wedge different from a inclined plane?

A wedge is 2 inclined planes, back to back.

What are inclined planes placed back to back?

It is a wedge.

What is a simple machine that consists of two inclined planes placed back-to-back?

A simple machine that consists of two inclined planes placed back-to-back is called a wedge. It is commonly used to split objects or hold things in place. Examples of wedges include knives, axes, and chisels.

Chisel is what kind of simple machine?

A chisel is an example of a wedge, a pair of inclined planes. A combination of the two inclined planes.

What are some examples of inclined planes in your house?

examples of inclined planes are your roof a lamp shade the beck of a t.v. a ramp and the back of your couch

What kind of simple machine is a ramp?

inclined plainA ramp is an example of an inclined plane(:A ramp is an inclined planeincline planeA ramp belongs under the simple machine category of inclined planes. Inclined planes are sloping or slanting in figure which allows less effort to be exerted or applied, making work easier. The ramp has one end raised up to help raise an object, rather pushing a certain object than lifting it. Other examples of inclined planes other than the ramp are the stairs. When two inclined planes are put back to back, another simple machine called the wedge.

What two types of simple machines use inclined plane?

Inclined planes and wedges are both forms of inclined planes.

How is a wedge made?

putting two inclined planes together

Are inclined planes straight up and down?

no they are leaning which is why they are called inclined planes