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Q: What is two or more melodic lines in music?
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Texture that combines two or more melodic lines?


What Are Two or more independent melodic lines heard at the same time?


What were the two major innovations in music during the High Middle Ages?

Two major innovations in music were tropes, new tests and melodies inserted into Gregorian chants, and polyphony, two or more melodic lines are sung or played simultaneously.

Is The art of combining two or more simultaneous melodic lines is called counterpoint?


When two or more melodic lines of equal interest are performed simultaneously what is the texture?


What is the resulting texture of two or more independent melodic lines call?

polyphonic texture

Organum is a two-part form of early polyphony?

* Earliest polyphony called organum * Combining 2 (or more) melodic lines, or adding one (or more) new melodic lines to an existing chant

What is the difference between contrapuntal and homo-phonic?

Contrapuntal music uses counterpoint; the music consists of two or more melodic strands heard simultaneously. Homo-phonic music only has a single melodic line with accompaniment.

What is a polyphonic texture?

Polyphonic texture is a musical texture where two or more independent melodic lines are played simultaneously. Each line has its own rhythm and pitch, creating a complex and layered sound. Examples include fugues and canons.

What is a texture of solo voice or instrument with a chordal accompaniment called?

Simultaneous performance of two or more melodic lines of relatively equal interest produces the texture called polyphonic, meaning having many sounds. In polyphony several melodic lines compete for attention. The technique of combining several melodic lines into a meaningful whole is called counterpoint or contracanto.

What is the meaning of contrapuntal?

Contrapuntal sound occurs when music and visual elements play against each other. Simply put, when they are in contrast of each other.

Which term refers to music comprised of two or more independent lines?
