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Coordinate planes

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Q: What is two perpendicular number lines or axes used for graphing ordered pairs of numbers?
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What are two perpendicular number lines or axes used for graphing ordered pairs of numbers?

They are the x and y axes on the Cartesian plane that intersect each at right angles at the point of origin which is (0, 0)

What is the word for an ordered list of numbers?

An ordered list of numbers is a sequence

What is rand on the graphing calculator and what does it do?

The calculator will run a certain number of random numbers to test a program.

What is the middle number in a set of ordered numbers?


Can rational numbers be ordered on a number line?


Which do you use an open circle or closed cirle for graphing inequalities?

A closed circle is when a range of numbers also includes that number and an open circle is when a range of numbers doesn't include that number, :)

What is the meaning of graphing a number?

There is not much meaning in graphing a single number.Graphs are most useful in showing the relationship between many numbers or a trend of things that have occurred so as to extrapolate to another time, and so on.

What is the middle number in an ordered set of numbers called?

The median.

What are a geometric sequence?

A geometric sequence is an ordered set of numbers such that (after the first number) the ratio between any number and its predecessor is a constant.

What are number lines?

A number line is a line of which numbers are ordered on. Usually from 1 to 100.

The middle number or the mean of the two middle numbers in an ordered set of data?

That is the Median of the numbers.

How do you get the mean in an ordered set of numbers?

you find the number that occurs the most.