144 can also be written as 144/1 (in fraction form.) When dividing fractions, simply turn the divisor into its reciprocal to multiply.
2/3 * 144/1 = 288/3
Since 288/3 cannot be reduced, simply turn it into a mixed number. How many times does 288 completely divide into 3?
288/3 = 96
two thirds divided by 144 is 96
144 divided by two equals 72.
(2 / 3) * 216 = 144
Six and two thirds divided by seven eighths = 713/21
Two and two-thirds
the answer is 3
2/3 x 144 = 96
144 divided by two equals 72.
2 divided by two thirds is 3.
I get two thirds. its 0.6666666666666666666666666666667 OR two thirds!
-1 divided by two-thirds = -3/2 or -11/2
(2 / 3) * 216 = 144
9 and 2 thirds divided by two = 45/6
213 and two ninths divided by twelve and two thirds = 165/6
1 and two ninths divided by 1 and two thirds = 11/15