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Q: What is used to describe the data that one uses to describe the information one is looking for in a data source?
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What is any text that is used to describe data?

Metadata is the text used to describe data. It provides information such as data source, data type, date created, and any other relevant details about the data set. Metadata helps users understand and interpret the data accurately.

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What source would you turn to for information relating to data protection?

data protection agency and information commissioner's office

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its a huge source of information and data spread globally .

What external source would you turn to for information relating to Data Protection?

data protection agency and information commissioner's office

Most likely to be important to know if you were interpreting the meaning of a primary source document?

Understanding the historical context of the document, the author's perspective and bias, and the intended audience are important factors to consider when interpreting a primary source document. Additionally, analyzing the purpose of the document and any underlying messages or subtext can provide valuable insights into its meaning.

What external sources would you turn to for information relating to data protection?

An external source is any source or firm outside of your own business from which you may seek services. An example of an external source for info relating to data protection would be any data protection agency or the Information Commissioner's Office.

Data are information facts or numbers that help to describe something?

Measurement information that is used to describe something is called data. per Physical Science 8th Edition by Bill W. Tillery

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