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the punnett square

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Q: What is used to determine the probability of a trait?
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Related questions

How is probability used in genetics?

probability is used in genetics to determine the possibilities of offspring having a certain trait

How does probability apply to genetics?

Probability is used in genetics to determine the possibilities of offspring having a particular trait

What is probabilaty and how is it used in genetics?

Probabilaty, is actually spelled Probability. Probability is a number to be used to determine a chance of any occasion, such as a Coin-toss, with the probability being %50 of landing on heads/tails. Probability is used in genetics to determine the chance of a offspring having a mother(or father)'s trait. It is used with Punnet squares to determine the chance of a offspring having a parent's trait or allele combination.

What does a punnet square used to find?

It is used to determine the probability of the two parents offspring having a certain trait(s).

What is the purose of the punnet square?

It is used to determine the probability of the two parents offspring having a certain trait(s)

What is the puntt square used for?

The Punnett square is a simple tool used in genetics to predict the possible outcomes of genetic crosses between two individuals. It helps to determine the probability of different genotypes and phenotypes in offspring based on the genetic makeup of the parents.

What is the probability that a parent carrying a dominant trait will pass that trait on to each child?

The probability that a parent carrying a dominant trait will pass that trait on is a 50% chance with each pregnancy

Used to determine the probability of having specific offspring from two known parents?

Genotype is used to determine the probability of having specific offspring from two known parents.

What can principles of probability can be used for?

To determine the outcome of genetic crosses.

What is the difference between a single gene and a polygenics trait?

A polygenic trait is a trait in which multiple sets of alleles are used to determine the trait, whereas in a single gene trait aka. a Mendelian trait, only one pair of alleles is used.

What is probability how does probability relate to genetics?

Probability is what chance something has to happen. The Punnett Square is a way how to predict in genetics how likely an offspring is to have a trait passed on from parents, or in other words find out the probability of a trait being in the phenotype or the genotype.

What is use of pedigree?

Pedigree is used to determine wheather a trait is inherited.