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You can use another complex number, a real number or an imaginary number. Complex number equations make interesting images. The link shows the image

produced by (z-1)/(z+1) and inverses the checkerboard around two points.

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Q: What is used to divide complex numbers?
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Why must you rationalize complex numbers and not divide them?

Since a Complex number has a real component and an imaginary component, it would be like trying to divide z / (2x + 3y)

Can you use a rule for multiplying by the reciprocal to divide whole numbers?

Yes. Integers, Real Numbers, and even Complex Numbers can as well.

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Divisors are used to divide numbers.

What are considered complex numbers?

A complex number is any number that can be represented in the form of a+bi, the real numbers are a and b, the imaginary number is i. Complex numbers are used in scientific and engineering fields.

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What are the engineering applications of complex numbers and matrices?

I suggest asking separate questions for complex numbers, and for matrices. Complex numbers are used in a variety of fields, one of them is electrical engineering. As soon as AC circuits are analyzed, it turns out that complex numbers are the natural way to do this.

What are complex numbers subsets of?

Complex numbers are basically "numbers in two dimensions". You can extend them to more dimensions; one superset that is sometimes used is the quaternions, which are numbers in four dimensions.

What are the two types of numbers used in science?

Real and Complex. Real numbers are your everyday numbers that most people are familiar with and Complex numbers are Real numbers mixed with imaginary numbers. Of course this is a VERY BROAD oversimplification, and the question is somewhat vague in that there are other "types" of numbers that are used, but I think this is the answer you are looking for.

How do you fing the average?

You add the numbers. Then you divide by the number of numbers (i.e., if you have three numbers, you divide the sum by 3).You add the numbers. Then you divide by the number of numbers (i.e., if you have three numbers, you divide the sum by 3).You add the numbers. Then you divide by the number of numbers (i.e., if you have three numbers, you divide the sum by 3).You add the numbers. Then you divide by the number of numbers (i.e., if you have three numbers, you divide the sum by 3).

What is complex math?

Complex math covers how to do operations on complex numbers. Complex numbers include real numbers, imaginary numbers, and the combination of real+imaginary numbers.

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If a and b are any real numbers what is the conjugate of a plus b?

The concept of conjugate is usually used in complex numbers. If your complex number is a + bi, then its conjugate is a - bi.