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a magnifying glass

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Q: What is used to make very small objects appear clearer?
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magnify glass
Related questions

What type of ens is used to make objects appear smaller and clearer?

A microscope is used to make objects appear smaller and clearer by using lenses to magnify the object's image.

Tool used to make distant objects appear closer and clearer?

A telescope is used to make distant objects appear closer and clearer by gathering and focusing light from faraway objects, allowing for magnified images to be viewed through the eyepiece.

Why do opaque objects make clearer shadows?

they form clearer objects

What lens make objects appear smaller and clear?

A concave lens can make objects appear smaller and clearer by diverging the light rays as they pass through it. This helps to reduce image size and reduce certain types of visual distortions.

What is a word that means an object that makes distant objects appear nearer and larger?

The word you're looking for is "telescope." Telescopes use lenses or mirrors to magnify distant objects and make them appear closer and clearer for observation.

What can a light microscope do?

it employs light to detect small objects and make them appear bigger

What tools make an object appear larger?

Magnifying glass, microscope, and telescope are tools that make objects appear larger. They use lenses to magnify and focus light to enhance the visibility of small objects.

What hand lens use for?

== == It is used to magnify/ or make things appear closer?to magnify small objects

How do microscopes see small things?

Microscopes use lenses to magnify small objects so they can be seen by the human eye. Light is directed onto the sample, which is then magnified by the lenses in the microscope to make the object appear larger and clearer. This allows scientists and researchers to study the details of tiny structures on a small scale.

What instrument do scientist use to make things appear larger?

To make distant things closer they use a telescope, to make close things larger they use a sense or magnifying glass, to make very small things larger they use a microscope. to make incredibly small things clearer they use mathematics.

How do you make something appear on game maker?

instance_create(x,y,object_name) is how to make objects appear.

How much bigger dose a microscope make something appear?

it makes things apear to 90% to 100% clearer