The decimal point. However, in many European countries, a "decimal comma" is used instead.
The decimal point (.) In some countries I think it's called a fraction mark and a comma (,) is used and points (.) are used as thousands separators rather than commas.
The 'zero' symbol is used as a place value holder,and it can hold any place.
There are 80 tenths-of-a-foot in 8 feet. But this measurement is rarely used. There are 800 tenths of an inch, also rarely used.
i have no idea ask another person
It is the decimal point, although in some parts of the world a comma is used instead.
It is a point (or full stop) in most countries although quite a few use a comma as the separator.
The decimal point (.) In some countries I think it's called a fraction mark and a comma (,) is used and points (.) are used as thousands separators rather than commas.
The 'zero' digit is used as a place-holder.
The 'zero' symbol is used as a place value holder,and it can hold any place.
There are 80 tenths-of-a-foot in 8 feet. But this measurement is rarely used. There are 800 tenths of an inch, also rarely used.
i have no idea ask another person