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A pie chart. Invented by Florence Nightingale.

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Q: What is used to show how a whole is divided into parts?
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Related questions

What kind of chart is best used to show the various parts of a whole?

A pie chart would show the various parts of a whole.

Are line and surface charts best used to show the relationship between the parts and whole?

No. Usually, you use a pie chart to show how each data set contributes to the whole.

What graph should be used to show the relationship between the parts and the whole?

[object Object]

When could a pie chart be used?

When you want to indicate how each part of a data set combines to form the entire set of data. The size of each wedge in the pie is relative to the data series being portrayed.

Why are odd number called odd number?

The word "even" is used to describe numbers which can be divided into two equal parts: that is, parts that will balance evenly. A number which cannot be so divided (in terms of whole numbers) is odd.

What percentages are used to relate the parts to the whole?

Used to relate parts or percentages to the whole

What is the definition of the term 'fraction'?

A fraction is a mathematical term used to describe part of a whole, as in if a whole was divided into X number of pieces. A fraction consists of a numerator, which describes a number of parts, and a denominator, which describes how many parts are necessary to make a whole. For example, three-fourths means that we have three parts and there are four parts that make a whole so we have three-fourths of a whole.

What shows the parts of a whole?

Pie charts are commonly used to show parts of a whole. Each slice of the pie represents a proportion of the total, making it easy to see the relationship between the different components.

What Type of graph or chart is used to compared relative parts of a whole whole?

A pier chart is used to compare relative parts of a whole.

What is a type of chart used to show the relationship or proportion of parts to a whole.?

A pie chart can be used to do this. You could also use a stacked bar chart.

What chart is a type of chart used to show the relationship or proportion of parts to a whole?

A pie chart can be used to do this. You could also use a stacked bar chart.

Could you use a circle graph to show data about how body mass changed with height?
