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Scientific notation

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Q: What is useful for writing numbers that are very large or very small?
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What is a way of writing very large numbers?

Scientific notation is useful for writing moderately large and small numbers. But, even that will not cope with the seriously big numbers.

Why the scientific notation is useful?

It provides a short and compact notation for writing very large or very small numbers.

When is standard form more useful?

It is useful when dealing with very small or very large numbers.

What are the uses of scientific notation?

Scientific notation gives a compact notation, which is especially useful for writing down - and doing calculations with - very large, and very small, numbers.

How is scientific notation useful?

Scientific notation (also called standard form or exponential notation) is a way of writing numbers that accommodates values too large or small to be conveniently written in standard decimal notation

Why is scientific notation useful in economics?

Scientific notation is useful in economics to compute very large or very small numbers.

When is expressing using scientific notation useful?

When numbers are tremendously large or small.

When is expressing numbers in scientific notation useful?

When dealing with very large numbers or very small numbers where a relatively small number of significant figures are required.

Which types of number does scientific notation best describe?

Scientific notation is most useful when working with numbers which are very small or very large.

What is true about scientific notation?

It is a way of representing numbers which is particularly useful for very small or very large numbers.

A shorthand method of writing very large or very small numbers?

Scientific notation.

Is a method of writing very large or very small numbers by using power of 10?

Very large and very small numbers are expressed in scientific notation