

What is value of 1 decibal?

Updated: 9/25/2023
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Q: What is value of 1 decibal?
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What is the decibal range of classical music?

From almost inaudible to very very loud.

What was Krakatoa decibal rate?

The sound was so loud, it could be heard 3,000+ miles away. Diego Garcia, a U S Naval Base it located there. So, I would guess, the decibal rate would be @2,500-4,000bls.

What does a decibal measures?

How loud something is. i.e.- how loud a planes engine is would be measured in decibals

What does 24 thousands look like in decibal form?

Expressed as a decimal fraction, 24/1000, or twenty-four thousandths, is equal to 0.024.

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Because the place value means, where the digit is located with respect to a decimal point. 1 is always 1, but if you place 1 in the tens place value, then the value of that 1 is 10. In the hundreds place value, the value of that 1 is 100. In the hundredths place value, then the value of that 1 is .01.

What is the most common decibal used in guitar amps?

The most common decibel used in guitar amps would be 95 and 100 decibels. This would usually be a 60 watt amplifier.

What is the fmf powercore 4 sa decibal output?

The out put is about 99 db, but if you want you can get the mega bomb header and the quiet core insert to lower it to about 94 db but that's about as quiet as it will get.

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Future Value = Value (1 + t)^n Present Value = Future Value / (1+t)^-n

What is the absolute value of number 1?

Absolute value of 1 is 1.

What is the difference between pre and post processing incrementation?

To increment a value by 1, you have 4 choices:value++;++value;value += 1;value = value + 1;Pre and post processing incrementation/decrementation refers to the first two: ++value and value++.Both do exactly the same, as both will increase the value of 'value' by one.If we have a situation like this:int value = 0;int value1 = 0;value1 = value++;This essentially means:value1 = value;value = value + 1;Where ++value means:value = value + 1;value1 = value;

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The Decibal scale for sound measurement is an example of a logarithmic scale. The Richter scale, the pH scale, the magnitude scale for stars, the multiplicative scales on a slide rule

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The numerical value of 1 is 1. The numerical value of any figure is its absolute value, ignoring its negative or positive sign.