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All parameters are variable.

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Q: What is variable parameter?
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What is difference between parameter and arbitrary constant?

A parameter is a variable which takes different values and, as it does, it affects the values of some other variable or variables.

What is THE variable parameter that changes a resut of changes to the manipulated or independent variable in experiment?

responding variable

What is the difference between a controlled parameter and a variable parameter?

controlled parameters the factor that stays the same in ALL groups variable parameters the factor(s) that change between control groups and variable groups

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What is a factor in a experiment that you measure to gather results?

It is a variable. The independent (manipulated) variable is the factor that is different between the control and experimental groups. The dependent variable is the difference resulting from the independent variable. The controlled variables are the factors that are not changed in the experiment between the control and experimental groups.

What is the control setup of an experiment?

only 1 parameter, or, variable, is manipulated at a time

What is call by refrence?

When calling a function, passing a variable's address as function parameter.

Will an attempt to pass a non-variable argument into a reference variable parameter will cause an error?

Yes. Why don't you try it? myfunction(int& a); myfunction(1); // error C2664: 'myfunction' : cannot convert parameter 1 from 'int' to 'int &'

What is pointer variable explaine?

If you mean example, then it is argv, which is the second parameter of function main.