it converts
sine/cosine sensor signals with a selectable resolution
and hysteresis into angle position data.
Only vector addition is applicable
Yes, a vector can be represented in terms of a unit vector which is in the same direction as the vector. it will be the unit vector in the direction of the vector times the magnitude of the vector.
The zero vector is both parallel and perpendicular to any other vector. V.0 = 0 means zero vector is perpendicular to V and Vx0 = 0 means zero vector is parallel to V.
Vector spaces can be formed of vector subspaces.
Resultant vector or effective vector
Only vector addition is applicable
No, momentum conservation is a fundamental principle in physics and it would still hold even if momentum were not a vector quantity. Momentum conservation simply states that the total momentum in a system remains constant unless acted upon by an external force. Whether momentum is treated as a vector or scalar quantity does not change this principle.
Raster graphics are stored as pixels, vector graphics are stored as geometric primitives. Images of the latter type can, in principle, be scaled infinitely, and pixelization will not occur.
When two or more vectors act on an object, the total effect is the vector sum of each individual vector. This is known as the principle of superposition. The resulting displacement or force on the object is determined by adding the magnitudes and directions of each vector.
The principle of superposition states that when two or more waves overlap, the overall displacement at any point is the sum of the displacements of the individual waves. This principle allows us to predict the combined effect of multiple waves interacting with each other.
Yes, a vector can be represented in terms of a unit vector which is in the same direction as the vector. it will be the unit vector in the direction of the vector times the magnitude of the vector.
NULL VECTOR::::null vector is avector of zero magnitude and arbitrary direction the sum of a vector and its negative vector is a null vector...
90 degrees
The zero vector is both parallel and perpendicular to any other vector. V.0 = 0 means zero vector is perpendicular to V and Vx0 = 0 means zero vector is parallel to V.
reverse process of vector addition is vector resolution.
Vector spaces can be formed of vector subspaces.
Resultant vector or effective vector