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Q: What is velocity of liquid pipe that has a flow rate of 5ft3s and 6 inch diameter pipe?
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How do you convert liquid velocity of a specific density to liters per second?

Multiply the velocity in cm/s by the cross section area of the flow in sq cm.

How do you convert 5.3 meters per second into liters per second?

You don't. metres per second measures velocity. litres per second measures flow rate. There is no conversion. Possibly you mean 5.3 cubic metres per second - that's easier. There are 1000 litres in a cubic metre. So its 5300 litres per second. That's the flow rate of a small river. Actually you can convert flow to velocity as long as you know the internal diameter of the pipe. Where Velocity - V = m/s Flow - Q = m3/h (1 L/s = 3.6 m3/h) Diameter - D = Internal Diameter of pipe in mm V = 354 x Q/D2

What is the equation for fluid flow?

is the equation for flow velocity

What is the relationship between flow rate pressure?

With the increase in flow rate the velocity of the fluid increases. and with the increase in velocity the pressure decreases, because there will be pressure drop (Refer Bernoulli's Theorm). So with increase in Flow rate the pressure decreases.

Is the flow of water flowing at 2 meter per second through 3 inch diameter GI pipe laminar or turbulant?

Calculate the Reynold's number. As a rule of thumb, any Reynold's number < 2000 is considered laminar, 2000<Re<4000 is transitional, and above 4000 is considered turbulent. Re = (velocity)*(diameter)*(density) / (viscosity) velocity = 2 m/s diameter = 3 inches (0.0762 m) density = 1000 kg/m3 viscosity = 1x10-3 N*s/m2 Re = (2 m/s)*(0.0762 m)*(1000 kg/m3)/(1X10-3N*s/m2) = 152,400 So,I would guess that you would have turbulent flow in this pipe.

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What are limitations of velocity of flow in a pipeline?

The velocity of flow in any pipe is determined by three things. The internal pipe diameter, the mass flow rate of the liquid and the fluid density.

Drift velocity in two-phase flow?

it is the relative velocity of two phase that is gas and liquid.

What is critical velocity in fluid flow?

The flow of a liquid remains steady or orderly only so long as its velocity does not exceed a certain limiting value for it, called critical velocity.

How does cavitation relate to diameter of a pipe?

Vapor pressure is the main factor in determining cavitation. Vapor pressure is a dependent on temperature. A pipes diameter becomes a main factor because it directly reflects the velocity of the pipe. Velocity is an important factor in determining cavitation in a pipe since it effects the velocity head for a piping system. If the velocity head is to great it could decrease the pressure inside of the pipe causing cavitation. Example: For a given pipethe flow will constant for. However the velocity in the pipe is dependent on its diameter. This is because velocity is based on the ratio of flow to area. Flow will not change but based on the diameter of the pipe it will have a different velocity. If the pipe had varying diameters the velocity will vary as well. Higher velocities will be at areas where the diameter is small and slower at areas where the diameter is larger.

Can you calculate pipe diameter if you have pressure head and discharge flow?

Static pressure is .434 X height Example 10 ft x .434 4.34 PSI to prove take 2.31 PSI x 4.34 To find FORCE to need to calculate the diameter of the piping and the height and then the weight of the water inside the pipe

How might speed at which a gas particle moves affects how quickly that gas particle escapes from the balloon?

Flow rate is diameter of hole*velocity, so the higher the velocity the higher the flow rate.

Explain relationship between the diameter of vessels and the velocity of blood?

As vessel diameter decreases, blood velocity increases due to the principle of conservation of flow rate. This relationship is described by Poiseuille's law, which states that blood flow is directly proportional to the fourth power of vessel radius. Therefore, smaller vessels result in faster blood flow velocities.

What is critical velocity in fluid dynamics?

Critical velocity is that The Liquid Air flow in narrow pipe constatly.

What is the volume of water in a five inch pipe?

Depends on the internal diameter, and the flow velocity. Velocity of water = Delta V Internal Radius= R RxRxV= Volume

What is the relationship between the diameter of axon and conduction velocity?

There is a positive relationship between the diameter of an axon and its conduction velocity. Larger axon diameters result in faster conduction velocities due to decreased resistance to ion flow. This relationship is described by the principle of "the larger the diameter, the faster the conduction."

How can you calculate water velocity from flow rate or diameter of pipe?

if u r talking about presuure drop then it can be easily calculate with the help of relation 4flv*v/2gd in that f is the friction factor which is different for vraious type of flow for that u have to search a good book of fluid mechanics, v is the velocity. length of pipe and d is diameter of pipe

How do you convert liquid velocity of a specific density to liters per second?

Multiply the velocity in cm/s by the cross section area of the flow in sq cm.