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Q: What is warmer 20 degrees Celsius or 40 degrees Celsius?
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Which is warmer -40 degrees celsius or -40 degrees Fahrenheit?


What is 20 Celsius doubled?

20 degrees Celsius doubled is 40 degrees Celsius.

Which is colder 40 Celsius or 0 Celsius?

0 degrees Celsius is a colder temperature than 40 degrees Celsius. 0 degrees Celsius is the freezing level for water. Any positive number above 0 degrees Celsius is a warmer temperature.

Which is colder 20 degree Celsius or 40 degree Fahrenheit?

40 degrees Fahrenheit, as 20 degrees Celsius equals 68 degrees Fahrenheit

Which is larger 10 degrees Fahrenheit or 40 degrees Celsius?

40 degrees Celsius is larger than 10 degrees Fahrenheit. To convert between the two temperature scales, you need to use a conversion formula. In this case, 40 degrees Celsius is significantly warmer than 10 degrees Fahrenheit.

What is -40 degrees Fahrenheit in degrees celsius?

-40 degrees Fahrenheit is equal to -40 degrees Celsius.

20 degrees-40 degrees celsius in fahrenheit?

68 to 104 degrees F.

Is a temperature of 20 degrees Celsius colder than 40 degrees Fahrenheit?

No, as 20 degrees Celsius is about normal room temperature. Temperature Fahrenheit = Temperature Celsius(1.80) + 32

Which city would probably have warmer climate one at 20 degrees N or one at 40 degrees S and why?

20 is closer to the equator so it is warmer.

Which city would probably have a warmer climate one at 20 degrees N or one at 40 degrees?

20 Degrees N.

What does -40 degrees celsius equal to somthing degrees fahrenheit?

-40 degrees Celsius is equal to -40 degrees Fahrenheit.

How does a decrease in temperature from 40 degrees celsius to 20 degrees celsius affect the solubility of NH3 and KCl?

A decrease in temperature generally decreases the solubility of gases like NH3, making it less soluble at 20 degrees Celsius compared to 40 degrees Celsius. On the other hand, for solids like KCl, a decrease in temperature typically increases solubility, leading to higher solubility at 20 degrees Celsius compared to 40 degrees Celsius.