IV is the roman numerals equivalent of the number 4. It "means" one less than five.
The Roman numerals X-IV stands for 10 and 4 respectively.
The equivalent of the Roman numerals of XI and IV are 11 and 4 respectively
ivAnother answer:Both IIII and IV stand for 4 in Roman numerals.
In Roman numerals, V = 5. IV is one before five, that is, four.
4 and 5 in Roman numerals are IV and V, respectively.
The Roman numerals X-IV stands for 10 and 4 respectively.
The equivalent of the Roman numerals of XI and IV are 11 and 4 respectively
ivAnother answer:Both IIII and IV stand for 4 in Roman numerals.
In Roman numerals, V = 5. IV is one before five, that is, four.
4 and 5 in Roman numerals are IV and V, respectively.
IV is 4.
The Roman numerals of IV or IIII are both equivalent to 4
It is Roman numeral .
In todays notation of Roman numerals: IV-XXIV-X