The LCM is 75.
The least common multiple of 15 and 25 is 75.
The LCM is: 75
If the greatest number is divided evenly by the smallest one, then it is the LCM. In our case this works, so 75 is the LCM. 25 * 3 = 75 75 * 1 = 75
The LCM is 75.
The least common multiple of 15 and 25 is 75.
The LCM is 75.
what is the LCM for 15 and 25?I think the LCM for 15 and 25 is 75!
The LCM is 75.
The LCM is 75.
The LCM is 75.
The least common multiple of 4, 10, 25, and 75 is 300.
The LCM is 150.
LCM(25, 60, 75) = 300.
Since 75 is a multiple of 25, it is automatically the LCM of this problem.
The LCM is: 75