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The force is an important part of life for both Jedi and Sith alike. Distance is very important, as you may have noticed in some of the films, some weaker individuals can only project force over short spaces, but more powerful people can even project force across large rooms, ex: Darth Vader

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Q: What is work over force times distance?
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Does strength plus distance equals work?

No, work is equal to force times distance. Power is equal to force times distance over time.

What does work equals force times?

Force times Distance equals Work

Is there a specific term that involves exerting a force over a distance?

The definition of "Work" is typically force times distance. It it's a non-constant force, it can also be a force integrated over a distance (Calculus) .

What does the x mean in force x distance?

The "x" in "force x distance" represents multiplication in this context. It indicates that the force applied is multiplied by the distance over which it acts to determine the work done.

What is force times distance equals?

Force times distance equals work.

What is the output force times the output distance?

The output force times the output distance gives you the amount of work done. This is calculated as the force applied multiplied by the distance over which the force is exerted. Work is measured in joules.

How much work is done when using a force of 10 n?

The amount of work done depends on the distance over which the force is applied. Work is calculated as force multiplied by the distance the force is applied over. So, without knowing the distance, it is not possible to determine the work done with just the information that the force is 10 N.

What are the two components of work?

Work is the product of (force) times (distance). There are no other components.

What is defined as a force acting over a distance?


What is the relationshipbetween force and distance?

Work is defined as force times distance.

What is something done when a force moves an object over a distance?

Work is done when a force moves an object over a distance. Work is defined as the product of the force applied to an object and the distance over which the force is applied.

How does the distance through which force is applied affect work?

The work done is directly proportional to the distance through which the force is applied. This is known as the Work-Energy Principle, where work is equal to force multiplied by distance. So, increasing the distance over which a force is applied will result in more work being done.