

Best Answer

This kid's main problem is that his parents and/or friends are willing to raise him with

medical advice they get from anonymous weirdos on the internet.

Please. Do the poor kid a big favor for Christmas. Take him to a real doctor and let him

get looked over and checked out.

Another big plus: When that trained, qualified professional actually sees the kid and then

answers your questions, you'll be able to trust the answers.

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Q: What is wrong with a 3 yrold when one side of his head is bigger than the other side?
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Umm, no.

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An animal bigger then your head really is anything like a monkey or a dog or a bunny exc. anything you can think of really.

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go to the creation hall and make a character after that when your drawing your character make the head bigger then draw a cloud on the head and your done (to make the head bigger just click on the thing with 4 arrows then there should be dots on the body then click the dot on the head and make it bigger)

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Well it depends on what you mean by "blow out" but just today I wired some stuff wrong and it shorted out, smoke was coming out of the cassette deck. In other words, it is possible to instantly destroy your head unit if something is done wrong.

What do you do when your head gets bigger?

Buy a larger size of hat or perhaps go and see a "shrink". However, if you are an adult and you head is physically getting bigger, perhaps you should go and see a qualified medical practitioner (a Doctor) about it, because an adult's head should not be getting bigger.

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first off you spelt biger wrong it's bigger... second, lather your balls with butter then stick them in the microwave for 1 minute. After such an act your balls will become irresistable for any women. they will grow probably bigger than your head but you will get plenty of pun-tang. side effects might develop cancer... maybe... :)

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Bigger then my head