

What is your A-number?

Updated: 9/23/2023
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Q: What is your A-number?
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int aNumber = 10; int anotherNumber = 3; if( (aNumber % anotherNumber) == 0 ) { System.out.println("aNumber divisible by anotherNumber"); }else { System.out.println("aNumber NOT divisible by anotherNumber"); }

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To multiply anumber by itself? to square it.

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Four fifths IS anumber.

What is 6x anumber minus eleven?

It is 6n - 11.

When anumber is raised to a power the number that is the factor?

the base

How is 115 composite?

Any number that can only be divided equally by itself and 1 is a prime number. 115 is a composite number because it can be divided by 1, 5, 23, and 115. For a definition of "Composite Number" goto Make your own program to check if a number is PRIME or COMPOSITE. Cut and Paste the script code below into a Notepad, then select "File > Save As..." to save the program (somewhere handy like your desktop). Save with a "File name" : Prime_or_Composite.vbs and a "Save as type" : All files (*.*) '############################################################### '## This VBScript checks if a number is PRIME or COMPOSITE. ## '## Written for you by Scott Hatch ## '############################################################### aNumber = InputBox("Please enter a number to check if it " & vbCrLf & _ "is a PRIME or COMPOSITE number:" ,"Enter a number", 0 ) If IsNumeric(aNumber) Then MsgBox "You entered the number " & """" & aNumber & """" Else MsgBox "The value you entered " & """" & aNumber & """" & " is not supported." WScript.Quit(0) End if If IsNumeric(aNumber) Then dim Result Result = "PRIME" For Counter = 2 to aNumber-1 If FormatNumber(aNumber/Counter,0)-(aNumber/Counter) = 0 Then MsgBox aNumber & " can be divided equally by " & Counter Result = "COMPOSITE" End if Next MsgBox aNumber & " is a " & Result & " number." End if WScript.Quit(0) '### END OF SCRIPT ###

How do you write a verbal expression for 9a2?

9and anumber and 2

What is a diagram that shows the prime numbers of anumber?

a factor tree

What swedish rock groop had anumber one hit with dancing queen?


If n is anumber is 2n prime or composite?

Prime if n=1, composite otherwise.

Why is sulphuric acid called the king of acids?

because anumber of chemicals as well as acids can be prepared from it