About 67,600 excluding the extra day or day and a quarter in the Julian year.
There are 52 weeks in a pay year, so 1300 x 52 = 67,600
Every 5th or 6th year would earn 1300 x 53 = 68,900 (i.e. every 5.6 years)
If you divide by 7 (pay per day) and multiply by 365.25 gives 67832.14 a year
with a calculator. (multiply weekly times 52)
Divide it by 52.
If the annual salary is 32,000 then the weekly wage is 615.38
$29400 / 52 weeks in the year is about $565
29400/52 = 565.38, approx.
with a calculator. (multiply weekly times 52)
Divide it by 52.
6,000,000 divided by 52 weeks = 115,384.61
$1730.77 Divide the annual salary by 26 to get bi-weekly, or 52 to get weekly.
The mean average for an obstetrician is about $130000. This is just an approximate. I have seen that the numbers vary, but that is pretty close. :)
If the annual salary is 32,000 then the weekly wage is 615.38
divide the player's annual salary by 16 games and you have their weekly paycheck. According to Business Week the average NFL salary is 1.9 Million and the Median salary is 770,000 dollars. So the average weekly salary is $118,750 per game the median weekly salary is $48,125 not a bad check either way.
$29400 / 52 weeks in the year is about $565
29400/52= 565.39 per week.
60000 ÷ 26 = 2307.69 (gross)
In the United States in 2011 the average annual salary for veterinarians was ~$90,000. From this, the average weekly salary was ~$1800.