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Q: What is your expectation in math?
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What should the expectation of the subject math?

We expect the subject of Math is a challenging subject and also we were encounter numbers, equations , problem solvings and integers :)

What is your expectation in math 7?

You might mean: 1) what do you expect to learn in math 7 2) what are you expected of you in math 7 In the case of 1), you need to answer that for yourself. In the case of 2), it depends on what "math 7" is.

What are your expectation in math teacher?

I would expect someone who can communicate mathematical concepts to pupils effectively, and with enthusiasm.

What is an example of a self-fulfilling prophecy?

An example of a self-fulfilling prophecy is when a student is told they are not good at math, leading them to believe it and perform poorly in math class. This belief affects their motivation and study habits, ultimately fulfilling the initial expectation of not being good at math.

What is your expectation in math subject?

math is a subject that have many probles solving and equations

What is a sentence with the word expectation?

The meal did not meet the expectation.The expectation was rather low.

What expectation do you expect when you are a second year?

I assume this is a trick question, and the answer is "everything". If you expect it, it is your expectation and if it is your expectation, you expect it.

Expectation is always positive?

If you mean probabilistic expectation, the answer is no.

What is conditional expectation of 2 uncorrelated random variables-is it equal to unconditional expectation?

Yes. the conditional expectation of X given Y is simply the expectation of X if X and Y are uncorrelated. This is a consequence of one of the properties of conditional expectation.

When was Experiments in Expectation created?

Experiments in Expectation was created in 2001.

How do you expectation in a sentence?

Our school's expectation this year is not to do to the principle's office.

Why do students struggle with math?

Math is intellectually complex and requires people to remember many different mathematical details and to be able to see how they are used together, to solve complex problems. In addition, many people do not see that math is relevant to their own lives. To many people, the intellectual effort does not seem to be justified in terms of their own expectation of making use of that subject.