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Q: What is your grade for 14 out of 15?
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What is your Grade for 14 out of 15 questions?

an A+

How old is mindless behavior and what grade is they in?

they are 14 and 15.....and they are in the 9th and 10th grade

How you get a boy in fifth grade?

You don't. Wait till your 14, 15, or 16.I'm in 5th grade too and even I know I have to wait.

What age are you in 9 grade?

A student in 9th grade is typically either 14 or 15 years of age but can be older or sometimes a little younger.

If your in grade nine right now your how old?

You would be 15 or 14 depending what age you went to school.

What grade is a 14 year old in the US?

a 14 year old is usually either in 8th or 9th grade (also called "Freshman year"; it's the first year of high school). Kids begin 8th grade at age 13 and then have their 14th birthday sometime during the year; so they are then 14 when beginning 9th grade and will eventually turn 15.

What is the grade for an eight year old?

They will be in Grade 3 . Grade 1 : 6 Grade 2 : 7 Grade 3 : 8 Grade 4 : 9 Grade 5 : 10 Grade 6 : 11 Grade 7 : 12 Grade 8 : 13 Grade 9 : 14 Grade 10 : 15 and so on.

What grade is a 14 year old in?

A 14 year old is in 9th grade or in 8th grade.

In ninth grade how old would you be?

If you are a 9th grade student you are often 14 or 15 depending on whether the student has been held back and when the student started school.

If you are 14 what grade are you in?

14 year olds are in 8th & 9th grade.

What grade are 15 year old in?

10th normally, unless you skipped a grade or got held back a grade or something like that, but if you didn't you should never be older than 16 in the 10th grade. So 15, 16 at the most.

How does a fifth grade girl get a date?

You don't. Wait till your 14, 15, or 16.I'm in 5th grade too and even I know I have to wait.UHG! Everyone is asking this question...