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Depending on various factors, and no curve, it will be about a D+.

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Q: What is your grade if the test is worth 150 points and you get a 99?
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What is your grade if the test is worth 150 points and you got a 107?

107/150 = 71.33333% So basically a D.

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150 points for the house of the seeker who catches it.

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What is your grade if you have 137 out of 150 possible points?

As a percentage it is: 91.'3'% recurring '3'

What grade is 150 out of 200 points?

if you get a 150 out of 200 then you will a 75% which is a C average

What is your grade if you have 120 out of 150 possible points?

To find your grade, you divide the points you have by the points max. You have a .809 so B-.

What grade is a 62 percent on an exam?

62 percent regardless of the overall of the test still means you only got a little over half the questions right if it was a 100 point test it would be 62 grade for 62 right points if it were say 150 you would have gotten 95 points correct its easier for them to show you a percent which is if you had 4 tests and 2 were 150 points and 2 100 all were 30 percent of you final grade would not be added totaled then div. by four like high school if all four were 2 62's and 2 95's your final percent/grade is still 62 which means 30 x .62 gives you 18.6% for your 30% you need of your final grade still your grade is going to be a D for that percentage.

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it worth around £15/£150 all depends on the grade