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Q: What is your grade if you get 1 wrong out of 15 questions?
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How do you grade a test with 40 questions?

If u get 1-5 wrong A 5-10 wrong B 10-15 wrong C 15-20 wrong D 20 and up u get a F

What is the percentage of 1 wrong out of 85 questions?

percentage of 1 wrong out of 85 questions = 1.17% % rate: = 1/85 * 100% = 0.0117 * 100% = 1.17%

What is the grade if you get 1 out of 15?


What if miss 1 out of 5 questions what is my grade?

As a percentage it is 80%

How many wrong answers can you get out of 75 questions to get a 70 percent?

You can get at most 22 questions wrong, otherwise you will score less than 70 %. To get 70% right you can get 100 % - 70 % = 30 % wrong 30% of 75 = 30/100 x 75 = 22.5 I assume you can't get 1/2 a question wrong, so you can get at most 22 questions wrong otherwise you will score less than 70 %.

What is the percentage if 1 question was wrong out of 35 questions on a test?

Wrong . . . . . 2.86% Correct . . . . 97.14%

What are easy math questions for seventh grade?

"What is 1 + 1?" is an easy math question in any grade.

What is your grade if you get 1 out 13 problems wrong?

12/13 correct is a 92% which is an A-

If you scored a 99 on a test and got 1 wrong how many questions would there have to be?

It can be 100 or 50 questions.

What if you miss 1 question out of 17 questions?

You would get a 94% for a grade which is typically going to be an A.

You got 90 on a test that had exactly 80 questions how many did i get wrong?

90% of 80 right means 10% of 80 wrong, which means 10/100 x 80 = 1/10 x 80 = 1/1 x 8 = 8 questions wrong.

What is your score if you miss 1 out if 15 questions?
