70% or C-
A "B" or "B-"
About a 66. Divide the number you got correct (in this case 34) by the total number of questions. (51)
74% or C
75% or C
70% or C-
Providing all the other answers were correct then your grade would be 92%
A "B" or "B-"
Your grade is 67%
About a 66. Divide the number you got correct (in this case 34) by the total number of questions. (51)
Missed 5 questions out of 25 questions what is your grade? 📷Answer
That would be 85% (30 divided by 35) which is normally a grade of B. If you only missed 3, you would have an A-.
It is an F. You only got 3 correct which means you missed more than 50%.
74% or C
75% or C
If you missed 4 questions out of 50, your total would be 46/50. Therefore, your percentage would be 92%.