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The answer depends on where on earth you were. Near the tropics you will receive much more solar radiation (light) that if you were near the poles. Even if you think of ionising radiation the answer will depend on your location.

According to the local council, more than 1% of houses in Cornwall (South West England), are subject to radon-based radiation levels of at least 200 Becquerels per cubic metre. This is primarily from granite in the bedrock - underneath the houses. This level is 10 times the average for the country.

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Q: What is your prediction for the number of background radiation counts that your body would receive a day?
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Why do radiation detectors register counts even though no apparent source of radioactivity is in the area?

Radiation detectors register counts even though no apparent source of radioactivity is in the area due to the background radiaoactivity and radiation that is always present. There are high energy cosmic rays (gamma) from the Sun, low level alpha, beta, and gamma from fallout from various nuclear detonations and accidents over the years, decay processes from naturally occurring Uranium, radiation coming from our own bodies, in the form of Strontium, Cesium, Potassium, and others, and contamination processes that occur in power and processing plants. When building and calibrating sensitive detectors, we always measure the background radiation and subtract that from the measured results.

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10-20 cpm

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The results are called acute radiation syndrome. These begin within a day of exposure. There will be GI tract problems, falling blood counts, neurological signs, even death. You are probably aware of radiation treatment for cancer and the loss of hair.

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depends on the tempo (3 over 4, 2 over 4, 4 over 4). Easy answer is in a 4 over 4 tempo, a whole note receives 4 counts (the whole measure), a half note receives 2 counts, a quarter note receives 1 count (or beat) (see the pattern?), and watch this: half of a quarter is an eighth (music) so an eighth note receives half a count. test to you: how many counts does a sixteenth note receive?.

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One does not multiply music notation. If anything, it would be added. A half note and a quarter note together last for three counts.

What blood is available that will give you an accurate estimate radiation dose?

A complete blood count (CBC) with differential test can provide information on white blood cell counts, which can be used to estimate radiation dose in cases of acute radiation exposure. Specifically, lymphocyte depletion kinetics can be used to estimate radiation dose.

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