

What is your theory on love?

Updated: 12/21/2022
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18y ago

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This is an excellent question because love has never been defined since man and woman were created. Everyone has their own thoughts on love and if we study history when man began, there really didn't appear to be love, but more animalistic behavior to protect, hunt and reproduce. So, I always wondered if during the centuries man didn't just dramatize or romanticize on what love should be or, did we become more intelligent and just change. If you really think of it there are so many problems in the love department. We can love in so many ways, but when you actually break it down you are happy to see that person, you want to protect that person, lovemaking can be passionate and satifying, but is that the animalistic behavior we couldn't shake and is it love or devotion and possession? Perhaps because we have evolved so much in this area that is why there is so many problems in the land of love. I'd like to think we have evolved into something more and that love does exist, but, I sure can't define it. For myself love is honesty, loyalty, someone that is just not your lover, but your best friend, and lots of laughter in the relationship. A feeling of being safe around that person and that you can beat anything the world has to dish out if you stick together. That you're there through the good and bad and remain true to one another and most of all, we aren't perfect and we make mistakes, but hopefully learn from them. Hope I didn't confuse you more. LOL Marcy

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