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Q: What is your walking stride length if you are 5.5?
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Is stride a standard unit of length?

No, "stride" is not a standard unit of length. It refers to the distance covered by a single step when walking or running, and can vary depending on a person's height and gait.

Does stride affect the speed you walk?

Yes, stride length affects walking speed. A longer stride can increase speed, while a shorter stride may slow you down. However, walking speed is also influenced by factors such as motivation, fitness level, and terrain.

What is a women's average walking stride?

Average stride length: 2.2 feet for women and 2.5 feet for man or you can estimate stride length relative to your height (females: height x .413 equals your stride length; males: height x .415 equals your stride length).

What word is connected to walking?

The word "stride" is often associated with walking. It refers to the manner or length of a person's steps while walking.

What is the mathematical formula for speed uding the variables stride frequency and stride length?

Stride Frequency= # of Stride/ time. the unit used is strides/sec Stride Length= speed/stride frequency. the unit used is m/stride

If wearing 5 pound ankle weights how far will you have walked in a hour?

Depends on stride length. Strength of your legs. How fast you are walking.

Average stride length?

For adult females, the average step length is about 26 inches and the average stride length is around 52 inches. For adult males, the average step length is 31 inches and the average stride is 62 inches.

How many steps do you take in the 100 meter?

Depends on the length of your stride. Divide 100 by the length of you stride measured in metres.

Average woman's walking stride?

3 feet

What is the stride length of a 5'10 woman?


What is a person's stride?

its the length of every step they take

What is average Running stride length for 6 foot male?

The average stride length for men is 0.78 m and 0.7 m for women. An approximation to your personal walking stride is multiplying your height with 0.415 (or 0.413 for women). For example: 1.82 (your height) x 0.415 = 0.76 m Another way of finding out is simply taking ten steps, measuring the length and dividing that by 10.