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Q: What island is 22 square miles and had a population of 1 million by 1880?
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What island is 22 square miles and had a population of one million by 1880?

Manhattan, New York City, New York, USA

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What island has 22 square miles and inhabits 1 million people?


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Kyushu is the name of Japan's third largest island. The island has an area of 13,760 square miles, and a population of 13,231,995 people.

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Here are the approximate land areas of each continent measured in square miles: Asia - 17.2 million square miles Africa - 11.7 million square miles North America - 9.5 million square miles South America - 6.9 million square miles Antarctica - 5.5 million square miles Europe - 3.9 million square miles Australia - 2.9 million square miles.

How crowded is Barbados?

Barbados is only 166 square miles, but the population of the island is 265,000