F-32 then divide by 9 and multiply by 5=109
212 degrees F=100 degrees C so the answer is reasonable.
-40F=-40C Same
32F=0C Freezing Water
212F=100C Boiling Water
98.6F=37C Body temperature
0.24444 repeating
It is quite possible for there to be no mode.
Quadrant I on the Cartesian plane contains the positive x and y values
The best thing to do is get right to the point don't so that you dont make him want to beat you up if really isn;t straight. The best thing to do is get right to the point don't so that you dont make him want to beat you up if really isn;t straight.
ISN=Initial Sequence Number ISN=Interactive Student Notebook ISN=International Society For Nephrology
ISN Solutions is based in London, England. ISN Solutions serves all of the United Kingdom especially in the London area and the surrounding environs of London.
If a human finger were immersed in liquid at -2000 degrees Celsius, it would instantly freeze and become extremely brittle. The cells in the finger would likely shatter due to the extreme cold, causing irreversible damage. Severe frostbite and tissue necrosis would occur, resulting in the loss of the affected tissue.
of Tinge
There isn' one.
NO there isn`t
No there isn t
34 isn the same